Firefly launches FirePlay, the first free universal player for all digital film formats

Firefly Cinema launches FirePlay, the first free universal player able to read all digital file formats in real time, up to a resolution of 4K.


FirePlay is extremely easy to use and requires no specific knowledge. It is intended for all professionals working in digital cinema, and simplifies the work of DPs, camera assistants, or DITS.



FirePlay can play a variety of file formats in real time – such as RED, ARRIRAW, Apple QuickTime®, ProRes, Canon and Sony – and allows quality control of rushes. The latest version also supports new 4K and UHD formats. In addition, leveraging the processing power of the new Apple Mac Pro, FirePlay can instantaneously read Sony RAW 4K files.



Aside from supporting native camera files, FirePlay can also read OpenEXR, DPX, TIFF files and more, making it a powerful preview tool… and it’s free!


Finally, FirePlay offers a unique tool that can be used on the set, allowing to apply corrections to primary and secondary colors in real time*.


“FirePlay completes our software offering. Unlike other companies who offer products on only one specific market, Firefly Cinema has a harmonized set of tools that all complement each other from on [pr2] set to post. This gives us morepower and drastically optimizes our workflow” comments Arnaud Chelet, CEO, IkeNoKoi.

* Depending on hardware configuration
** FirePlay runs on Mac OS

Click here to download FirePlay.

Firefly Cinema:
Firefly Cinema develops a series of software applications for professionals in the cinema and audiovisual industries:

  • FireDay: digital dailies management application
  • FireCloud: finishing and grading application
  • FireVision: iPad app for dailies management


 Our booth is the SU6714.