The channel had been hosted from Tuesday, November 10th to Friday, December 11th on Akamai CDN with link available at innovation@ateme.com
As a part of the global project of the planet inventory, The Explorers aim to truly contribute to the preservation of natural, cultural, and human heritage worldwide via the latest technologies. The OTT channel, launched with ATEME for a month period, falls within this respect and promotes the beauty of our planet by capturing amazing content in HDR up to 8K.
The increase of video compression efficiency can really impact world energy consumption linked to internet bandwidth usage.
VVC published as ITU H.266 | ISO/IEC 23090-3, is a new video standard which reduces by half the bitrate at the same video quality. With video accounting for about 80 per cent of global internet traffic, VVC ease pressure on global networks and reduces the amount of data necessary to enable high-quality video for an unprecedented range of new and existing applications.
“ATEME is the first company to distribute VVC live in UHD and CMAF low latency. “ said Mickael Raulet, VP Innovation ATEME. “We are extremely pleased to partner with The Explorers on this project which highlights our cutting-edge technology and showcases the beauty of our planet”
“By promoting VVC, ATEME contributes to preserving our environment. Better video quality with lower bitrate helps to reduce carbon footprint of the internet on a large scale.” said Olivier Chiabodo, CEO The Explorers. “The OTT channel launched will allow viewers to see the world as they’ve never seen it before, and realize how beautiful and fragile it is”